Friday, April 29, 2011


Ugoliants got a few shows coming up this month including one that's in the works now.  Check it out kids:

May 14th 
@ The Flywheel, 43 Main Street (In the Old Town Hall) Easthampton, MA 
$5 at the door

May 27th
@ Dad City, on 116 Amherst MA.  
 across from the furniture store right near Hampshire College.
HOST (not HOAX, my bad...)
+ one more band

June 10th
@ an undisclosed location.  (call me for details: 352-537-1060)
+ one more

yee son...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

UNGOLIANT - Demo 2011

Our demo is finished!  And we're quite proud of it i might add.  This is Ungoliant, my new band.  Keenan's on guitar, Girshwin's on bass, and Brian Larken's on Vocals and I'm playing drums.  This is some raw, lo-fi black metal with a hardcore punk edge.  The pic above isn't the cover of the demo.  Brian is still working on drawing one.  We'll be handing out some tapes of this demo this Sunday at our first show, which is as follows:

Sunday, 4/24/11
(call me, or Dan, or Tim for details)
& one more that i forget

Its a last-minute show because Hoax's last date for tour got canceled or something, so we've relocated with a different lineup.  Anyway heres our the demo son:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I just recently hung out with Russ Fortin after not seeing him in what feels like a year or more.  It was good to see him.  I asked what he'd been doing musically and he told me about Kill-Tac 9, a 2 man thrash/prog band... Not sure if thats the best description genre-wise, but...  This shit is awesome!  It has a great sense of humor, as the picture above me suggest.  Im thinking of setting up a show sometime maybe June 10th with Kill-Tac 9, Ungoliant, Crumugeon, and some other act.  more details on that later.  anyway, here's the bands website, where you can hear their music and a music video:  

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Chico, of the Butts of Poop, has another crazy fucking album.  It's so funny how i rarely see this guy anymore and he just randomly e-mails me with full length albums with a shit load of material from fucking outer-space or i don't fucking know where.  Here are some more lo-fi acoustic songs with pots and pans percussion with lots of strange background noise and keys.  there are a few noise tracks as well.  Kinda psych-ish at times...  here and there...  "Diving Head First"  is a great example of this description.  But.... its so hard to tell you what the fuck this is actually hahah.  sometimes it sounds like a bad trip at age 9.  "Kablammo!"  is a good example of this.,  I DON'T KNOW!  But it is awesome.  thanks again for the e-mail Chico.

HONEYSUCK - Demo 2011

Rockin' their high-waisted jeans off, stompin' patriarchal protocol, blasting out your ear drums,  fuckin' up your program: Honeysuck!!!  New demo.  First demo.  Here's some punk rock.  

SANGRE Y TIERRA - Estrujándonos en El Mar (2011)

The newest release from Marv.  He gave this cd to me last Saturday when we both played solo sets at Meat Gum in Northampton.  This CD is a change, lyrically, from stuff in the past.  This time the lyrics are deep and personal, about a past relationship Marv once had, but what hasn't changed is that the lyrical content is still not typical of the genre, which i love.  The emotion of his music goes hand in hand with the story.  A lot of the music is pretty ambient/depressive and very somber.  It kinda reminds me of Leviathan or Xasthur.  Definitely has a US sound.  The opening track is a classical guitar number accompanied by synthy drones and creepy sounds.  There's also a noise track entitled, "Lúcido," which takes on a real digital/electronic, almost robotic sound.  Its a pretty diverse collection of songs and to top it all off the CD ends with a cover of Rudimentary Peni's song "Rotten To The Core!!!!!"  WTF!?  This has got to be my favorite Sangre shit along with his stuff off of the Sangre/Disguster split.  Marv is nutzzzz.  check it yo!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Here's another form the old man's cd collection.  I was probably the age of that snot-nose on the cover of this single when i first heard it.  My dad being into the Dead Milkmen is pretty random.  Its probably the only straight-up punk album in his about 500 cds.  This is my favorite shit by them.  might be because it is so nostalgic for me, but you gotta get this shite.  Tears came down my face when I saw Joe Jack Talcum at the Elevens play "Silly Dreams" on my request.  I then gave him a Low Character demo after his set, which he was quite confused about, and im sure he either hated it or didn't listen, but I love you anyway Joe Jack.  Oh Joe Jack...


This shit fuckin' rules.  Murph from Dinosaur Jr. plays drums on a few tracks of this compilation.  I'd say i actually like later Lemonheads better than the Tang years, but you can't knock Hate Your Friends.  I first heard this collection from my dad's cd collection.  thanks dad!

Friday, April 1, 2011

CARDIAC ARREST - Cadaverous Presence

Here's a totally different Cardiac Arrest, the horror death metal version.  The band started in 97.  This album came out in 2008.  They also put out an album last year.  Seems like these guys are going strong.  This album is kinda cool.  I haven't really listened to closely, but i wanted to post it seeing as they share the same name as the St. Louis hardcore band i've just posted below.  check it out.  tell me what you think.

CARDIAC ARREST - Life's a Dead End

If you like last rights on crack (ironic huh?) than dig dis shit.  St. Louis mo fuckers.  im sure this band is broken up.  This rules.  rock on it like a chump, heyyy like a chump heyyy like a chump heyyy...  (???)