Friday, September 16, 2011

INTERVIEW - Joel Barnes of HACKLES (plus demo)

Hackles is probably the newest addition to the Western Mass scene.  A hard-hitting, drunken mess, Hackles has already developed a live reputation of slippery chaos and violent drunkenness.  The band has a pretty classic sound.  Its fast, its loud, its pissed off.

All of the dudes are close friends of mine, so i asked Joel if i could do an interview about Hackles with him and he agreed, so here is my first local interview (many more to come).  Its not much of an interview, due to Joel's apparent lack of motivation, but in so doing, I believe it sums up the attitude of the entire band.  Their demo is available right below the interview.  enjoy!

This is Joel Barnes, but not Joel Barnes of Hackles.This was ust the first pic
 that came up when i searched his name on google.  pretty cool huh?

NICK:  So, how did the 4 of you (you, Andrew, Dave, and Aurelio) come to decide to form Hackles? How long ago was that?

JOEL:  Andrew and I were jamming some tunes or something. Asked Aurelio if he wanted to, he did. I think the three of us played a couple of times and then figured we needed the most sexual man in the world to front this shit. Dave. I think maybe April or so.

NICK:  Tell me what a typical Hackles practice is like. What goes on?
There are roomers of heavy drinking taking place every Sunday. How
productive are you?

JOEL:  We practice getting drunk and then sometimes play songs. A typical afternoon usally consists of a couple of bottles of Schnapps and plenty of dick/scrotum. I ate a hot dog out of Daves asshole one time. We usally get things done.
NICK:  What are some of your main influences within the band's songwriting?

JOEL:  Schnapps/dicks/balls

NICK:  any MUSICAL influences at all?JOEL:  Not really.

NICK:   How do you guys write songs? whats the typical process?

JOEL:  I usally come up with some shit and show it to Andrew. I don't know what the rest of the dudes do. Andrew comes up with some shit too, you can tell which ones he wrote cause theyre actually good.

NICK:  The few live Hackles sets that have taken place recently, have
seemed to muster up a reputation among audiences. What do you think
that reputation is? Do you like it?

JOEL:  Mothers beware, do you know where your children are? Hopefully not with us.

NICK:  I saw you guys play a tiny little show at your house one
Sunday with your new addition to the Hackles lineup and i thought it
was rad. how do you and others in the band feel about the new member?
What's the chemistry like between the 4 of you and Connor Kelly? How
has the songwriting process changed since his addition? is it too
early to say?

JOEL:  It's awesome, I can drink and smoke more while playing.

NICK:  Why in the world would you cover a Blackbelt Club song?

JOEL:  Schnapps.

NICK:  What do you think the future looks like for Hackles? Will you
guys ever go on a weekend tour with Ungoliant this winter?

JOEL:  That'd be rad.

NICK:  Are you guys planning on making tapes or cds of your demos for
people? (You should be prepared to after this post)

JOEL:  Probably.

NICK:  How was the demo recorded?

JOEL:  With stuff in a basement.

NICK:  you guys planning on recording another demo soon, with the new
batch of songs you have churned out?

JOEL:  Most definitly. Intrested in doing it?

Here's the demo:

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